December, 2014

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Don’t worry, be happy: Firm-wide benefits of an accounting mentorship program


'Do you recall your first few years post-grad? You may yearn for fewer responsibilities (and wrinkles) and more “free” time of ages 22 through your mid to late 20s, or you may remember it less fondly in a small apartment with many roommates and less in the bank. No matter if that time in your life skews positively or otherwise, your career was in a very different place than it is now.

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Failure rates, Cancellation rates and Indemnity Claims at GoCardless


We’ve scoured our database of more than 3 million payments to bring to you some cold, hard facts about Direct Debit. This should help you decide whether or not Direct Debit is right for you.


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Lending standards slip, risk increasing according to OCC


'Lending standards continue to relax, according to data from the OCC’s 2014 Survey of Credit Underwriting Practices. This type of easing is similar to that experienced between 2004 and 2006, the time period leading up to the financial crisis, which many attribute to inadequate lending standards. Source: OCC 2014 Survey of Credit Underwriting Practices, December 2014.

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3 Percent down payments and risk to lenders


'Many would point to imprudent lending standards as a leading cause of the financial crisis of 2008, and in turn, financial institution regulators have since bolstered lending standards and capital thresholds as a preventive measure against a similar crisis. But recent news from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac might suggest that the market is inching closer towards pre-recession lending practices.

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4 Things Great Companies Do to Improve Cash Flow

Speaker: Don Gallianza, Credit Manager at Chevron Phillips Chemical and Indy Chakrabarti, Chief Marketing Officer at HighRadius

4 Case Studies to Optimize DSO 26 Days Sales Outstanding. Already better than most. But, should you improve on that? Why would 3 fewer days even matter? It matters because it fundamentally transforms business outcomes. Join this webinar to explore 4 things companies do to reclaim hard dollars - not just soft costs - and go from good to great! What You'll Learn 6 operational KPIs every AR manager should track: Define and track these metrics to enhance performance, drive efficiency, and make infor

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'The allowance for loan and lease losses is a pivotal part of a financial institution’s well-being. While regulatory guidance outlines the framework for the methodology, institutions can be at a loss for resources regarding more granular details of the ALLL calculation: • What steps can I take to reduce regulatory scrutiny? • How will impending regulatory changes impact my methodology, and how should I prepare?

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5 Questions accountants can ask to deepen client relationships during tax season


'At the height of tax season one problem accountants often face is maximizing their client meetings. When an entire firm – and entire industry, for that matter – is racing against the clock and aims to pack as much into each day as possible, it is natural for even the most organized of us to feel a bit disorganized. Aside from the checklists and worksheets that help clients prepare for tax season, now is a great time to double check your own to ensure you are asking the right questio

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How the OCC risk governance framework applies to community banks


'In September, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) published final guidelines designed to “strengthen the governance and risk management practices of large financial institutions.” The guidelines apply to institutions with more than $50 billion in assets, and the effective date of the guidance varies by asset size. For institutions over $750 billion, this guidance is effective immediately upon the Nov. 10, 2014 effective date.

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FDIC: Community banks outperform industry in third quarter


'To provide a report card on industry status and performance, the FDIC publishes a Quarterly Banking Profile. Results from the third quarter were just released, and while overall results were positive, community banks in particular excelled. They performed better than a year ago and also outperformed the industry as a whole. In short, they had stronger loan growth and higher net interest margins compared to the entire industry.

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Accountants: Are you really listening to your clients?


'The holiday season and the close of a year tend to bring out a more pensive person in many of us. The last few weeks on the calendar become a time to think about where you’ve been and where you’re going. Professionally, this is a valuable time to evaluate the strategies that were less than successful for you and your accounting practice (probably even more important than looking at those that were successful).

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Benchmarking ROI with Forrester: Measuring the Success of Finance Transformation

Finance Transformation Myths Busted Over 75% of organizations struggle to define the right success metrics to benchmark the impact of their finance transformation investment. Whether you are just initiating your digital transformation journey or planning to pitch your next AI project to leadership, without the right metrics and a rigorous tracking process - all your efforts might go to waste!

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At credit unions, focus on customer experience reigns


'Consider your worst customer service experience. Perhaps it began by waiting in a needlessly long line, leaving you aggravated before you reach the front. Then a seemingly simple request to make an exchange devolves into a customer service representative’s dramatic change in demeanor because they, too, have just had enough of this never-ending line.

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New Year’s Resolution: Healthier accounting firm growth with a pipeline full of better clients


'If you intended to start a new health regimen after the first of the year, you would start planning for the change, right? Maybe you’d research gym memberships or look into the cost of joining a programmed diet. Perhaps you’d start reading motivational articles to psych yourself up for the new commitment. At a minimum, you’d stock your pantry with healthy food choices or begin making a list for the grocery store.

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Mortgage applicants find cozy home at some credit unions


'At best, 2014 has been an uneven year for home buyers. As reported earlier this week, existing home sales hit a six-month low , after two consistent months of growth. Although the November numbers were disappointing, sales are still up 2.1 percent from one year ago. The trouble for many hopeful home buyers has been access to affordable credit. For many Americans that experienced lay-offs or other unexpected financial situations within the last several years, and who may still be finding solid f

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What are biggest challenges with FAS 114 impairment analyses?


'In calculating the ALLL, often one of most cumbersome components of the process proves to be the FAS 114 (ASC 310-10-35) impairment analysis. Instead of being grouped into homogenous pools like their FAS 5 (ASC 450-20) counterparts, these loans are segmented out as having evidence of impairment and then calculated individually to determine expected loss.

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How to develop a sound MBL strategy


'Credit unions have seen an unprecedented uptick in business-related loans in recent years, according to the Credit Union National Association’s (CUNA) U.S. Credit Union Profile. From June 2007 to December 2012, MBL volume increased 66 percent, growing from $26.04 billion to $43.16 billion. As many credit unions are just beginning to develop or expand member business lending (MBL) programs, it is important develop or tighten a sound MBL strategy to ensure long-term success in managing risk

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What interested bankers most in 2014?


'Now that 2014 has come and (almost) gone, it’s appropriate to take a step back and review the year’s trends and hot topics. Banks and credit unions continued loan growth after the lows of the economic downtown, as recently highlighted by the FDIC and OCC. The merger and acquisition market continued its upward trend, and the number of failed institutions decreased.

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Getting over the stress testing hump


'It’s like the buzzword that doesn’t go away: stress testing may have seemed like an unnecessary step for many institutions in the past, a buzzword that applied only to the big banks. But with the support of the regulatory agencies, the buzzword is becoming more of a minimum standard. Given the task is often assigned to the Chief Credit Officer or other leaders within the credit department, developing a stress testing methodology may come at the risk of losing steam on other areas, e

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Expanding credit portfolios: 3 Growing pains


'Community banks are expanding their loan portfolios to include more small business loans, according to the most recent Community Bank Performance report by the FDIC. Loans across categories increased, with commercial and industrial loans growing at the fastest rate, roughly 5.3 percent over the 3rd quarter of 2013. These expansions can come with growing pains, including identifying new customers to whom the bank can make loans, creating more rigorous and objective credit analysis policies and t

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3 Keys to attracting and retaining higher-paying clients


'Whether your accounting firm is small, medium or large, one of the biggest issues you’re facing is attracting and retaining clients. Survey after survey, including a recent one by Accounting Today , finds this to be among the top issues keeping accountants awake at night. But most accountants know that it’s not just the number of clients you attract or retain that’s important to the practice; it’s also what kind of clients they are.

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How much should you segment FAS 5 (ASC 450-20) pools?


'The benefits of segmentation within the Allowance for Loan and Lease Loss calculation are many. Institutions can gain more insight into sub-segmented performance, conduct more sophisticated loss methodologies such as migration analysis and can make better-informed lending decisions over time. However, as the old adage goes, there certainly can be “too much of a good thing,” and a tipping point exists in which institutions run the risk of over-segmentation.

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How to transition your accounting firm from compliance mode to consultant mode


'An accountant''s workload is much more than just tax preparation and number crunching. According to a 2014 IBISWorld report, financially-cognizant companies are increasingly turning to their accounting firms for advice on how to reduce inefficiencies in daily operations and eliminate unnecessary costs. Because accountants are among the most trusted business professionals, this puts them in a positive light for offering additional advisory services to clients.

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How to establish policies for a sound MBL program


'After developing an MBL strategy, the next step is to define lending policies to ensure the success of the strategy. This will help to satisfy regulatory requirements and alleviate unnecessary pressure on employees by reducing subjectivity in the loan decisioning process. When developing institution-specific policies, be sure to pay careful attention to the following policy areas: • Cash flow analysis.

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Online payment systems made simple


Online payments systems can be tough to understand. In this article, we demystify payments and recommend a range of alternative systems for those specific non-Direct Debit use cases.

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Bacs approved bureaus


This guide walks you through what a Bacs approved bureau is and the benefits and reasons for using one.

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Online Payment Methods: How to accept payments online


If you want to accept payments online, you have two main options: Credit (or Debit) Card and Direct Debit. To help you get to grips with your online payment options we've run through the main choices at a high level here.

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How to move customers to GoCardless


There are three main ways you can switch your customers over to GoCardless, which option is right for you will depend on a few things including whether you were already collecting Direct Debit payments and which GoCardless product you’re using.

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Charities: which Direct Debit bureau is right for you?


Direct debit is a great way for charities to collect payments and the three main providers are GoCardless, Valldata & Rapidata.

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How to use Bacstel-IP


Bacstel-IP, Bacs approved software and the Bacs payment services website.

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Address your top pain points in performing valuations


'Demand for valuation services is growing, according to a recent AICPA survey , with increased opportunities expected in shareholder/partner disputes, contractual disputes, family law, and gift and estate taxes, among other areas. Indeed, most valuation professionals in the survey said they expect between 10 percent and 50 percent growth in their practice over the next two to five years.

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3 resolutions to boost your accounting practice in 2015


'When your house is on fire, it’s not a good time to pause and review your fire-prevention strategy. At that point, you’re concerned mostly with smothering the flames or getting out alive. In the same way, once busy season begins, you’ll have precious little time to consider whether your accounting firm has made the right moves to build client relationships and grow in 2015.