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Forecasting Collections – A Key Element of Your Cash Flow

Your Virtual Credit Manager

The primary source of cash inflows for most firms are the receipts from payments of open customer invoices - i.e., your Accounts Receivable (AR). Other common inflows may involve rent you charge, royalties, and financing, all of which are easy to forecast. This is the inflow most difficult to forecast.

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Cash Forecasting: More Important Than Ever

Your Virtual Credit Manager

These are the expected receipts for each period you forecast. The major source of cash inflows for most firms are the receipts from payments of open invoices - i.e., your Accounts Receivable (AR). You will also need to account for a certain level of disputed invoices.

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What Triggers Your Collection Efforts?

Your Virtual Credit Manager

Whether you have automated the collection process or not, mapping out collection strategies for the different types of customers in your accounts receivable (AR) portfolio is an accepted best practice.